carolina rocha

Research Scientist, Novonesis, Next Generation Sequencing Department

Go Long project: A short-long story

The "Go Long" is a project that pretends to replace the short reads to long reads at the NGS team in Novonesis. Here we will explore the transition from Illumina's short-read sequencing to Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) long-read sequencing, focusing on the benefits of hybrid assemblies and the eventual goal of relying solely on long reads. As sequencing technologies evolve, the ability to achieve more comprehensive and accurate genomic assemblies is crucial for advancing research across various fields. This talk will discuss our current approach of utilizing hybrid assemblies to leverage the strengths of both Illumina and ONT, highlighting how this combination enhances genomic resolution, structural variant detection, and metagenomics applications. We will also present case studies demonstrating the real-world impact of hybrid assemblies and how they have led to improved results in complex genomic regions. The ultimate goal of the "Go Long" project is to rely exclusively on ONT for its long-read capabilities, eliminating the need for hybrid assemblies and offering a more direct path to high-quality genomic data. This presentation will show you the transformative potential of transitioning to ONT, the role of automation in sequencing workflows, and the short-long story of the "Go Long" project.