Nordic NGS 2024 

Registration deadline 6th of September


September 24th 


Wenner-Gren Center
Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stockholm


 From 995 SEK ex. VAT

In short

The 2024 Nordic NGS conference will bring together academic, clinical, and industrial professionals working with Next-Generation-Sequencing, covering different sequencing technologies and its applications. While providing a great line-up of scientific speakers, breaks and an after-work encourage collaboration and exchange between all participants. 

Speakers: Rickard Sandberg (Karolinska Institutet), Åsa Johansson (Uppsala Universitet), Nathaniel Street (Umeå Universitet), Carl-Johan Rubin (Uppsala Universitet), Inken Dillmann (AstraZeneca), Anja Mezger (NGI), Carolina Rocha (Novonesis, Denmark) and Marianne Gunell (Turku University Hospital),  Kristina Xiao Liang (University of Bergen) and  Keerthana Krishnan (New England Biolabs).

The Conference

The Nordic NGS Conference 2024 is a continuation of the NGS conference arranged by BioNordika in 2018 and 2023. After two successful conferences in Denmark, the conference will take its first stop in Stockholm. The idea behind the conference is to gather Nordic NGS researchers from many different sectors and provide a platform to stimulate collaboration and to share experiences. 

We are excited to host the conference and are looking forward to welcome you on 24th of September in the Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm.

The Host

The BioNordika Group was founded during 1986-1989. We currently employ around 40 people in five offices across Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland with the idea of being the scientific interface between advanced niche life science product/services suppliers and our customers in the Nordics. Scientific knowledge is a cornerstone in our structure and we are highly educated to be able to support, discuss, and guide researchers to the right choices in their strive for excellent research.

BioNordika represents a unique combination of life science premium brands. Our wide offering of products and services focus in the areas of Cell & Molecular Biology, Immunology & Diagnostics, Instruments & Disposables and Custom Products & Projects.

Supplier & Sponsors 2024

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of our event suppliers and sponsors for their generous support. We are deeply appreciative of your commitment to our cause and for helping us reach our goals. Your support is greatly appreciated. 
Thank you!